Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Save Marriage:7 Truth You Need To Get Started

Welcome to the most informative and helpful blog on how to stop divorce and save marriage on the internet.In this first post,i will write on certain truths you need to know before you take any step to saving your marriage,as they are very important for over all exercises of saving marriage irrespective of any methods you might be using.But before we go into that,permit me to ask you this question,does any of underlisted sound familiar?

i]"I love you,but i am not in love with you anymore."

ii]"I am not attracted to you any more."

iii]"We got married for all the wrong reasons."

iv]"Why can't you just admit that we just made a mistake."

v]"I never really love you in the first place."

vi]"It is time to tell the kid it is over."

vii]"my affair is not the reason our marriage is not working."

viii]"I need my space or separation."

The chances are your spouse might have released one or two of these "bombshell" at you and as a result you are feeling down.Also you ,are wondering could this have come from the mouth of someone you both vowed"till death do us apart"?The good news about this that you are not alone and all these as might be applicable to you could be turned to opposite statements,if you are willingto act on the following save marital foundational truth:

1]Discover:That is find out the reason your marriage is हविंग problem with open mind,often this not done and the problemwill keeping drifting your marriage its untimely grave.

2]Pre-determine:That is right from the outset of your effortto save your marriage,you should imagine yourself and your spouse were in love as if you were just wedded.

3]Talk and Act Right:Do and say the right thing at the right time.For instance,don't discuss your marital problem when your spouse is viewing his/her favorite TV program.

4]Keep Your Temper:Control your temper,this is not the best of time to flare up,friend ,you are at a time you need to watch what ever come out of your mouth and your attitude.Remember the saying,"If you want to gather honey,you don't kick the beehive"

5]Patience:Yes you will need it.It will take time-just know that Rome was not built in a day.The troubles with your marriage did not start today,of truth your marriage can be saved,so don't rush.

6]Compromise:As a matter of fact,this may even be one of the sources of your marital problem,base on the fact that marital relationship is best workable on mutual understanding and sometime allow other partner to save face on certain issues.

7]Forgive And Forget:The obligation here is very simple,do not dig about the past as well don't try to score point with your spouse either you are the one at fault or not.

Finally,discovering these truth about how to get started to save your marriage is not only enough,as you will need to put them into action before you can get maximum benefits from them.And please don't discard them,if you don't want to court with frustration in the process of saving your marriage,as a matter of fact,irrespective of methods you intend to adopt to save your marriage,you will surely need one or all of these"save marriage foundational truth.